Monday 21 June 2010

There is a fresh burst of creative energy and anticipation in the theatre this week with the arrival of the Don Giovanni and Fidelio productions. That the sun has arrived with them is a bonus that didn't seem possible on Saturday as we shivered through the final Carmen performance. There is added interest too because Fidelio is a revival; can the magic work again? Everything is possible with the cast we have and the rehearsal room has been happy, strong and together so we shall see. Don G promises much but as is our habit we try not to get too excited about productions based on their rehearsal runs....but Stephen Barlow is an immensely talented director...

It was lovely to see a great review for Hannah Pedley (our 'second' Carmen) in the Sunday Times. It was a big step up for her and it is great for her to receive some coverage and praise. Nice, too, of the ST to use my photograph of her in the review!
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