Friday 18 June 2010

Sally brought Fiora into the theatre before the show last night which gave her pause for thought when confronted by hundreds of strangers. Her trepidation didn't last long and soon she was marching around the picnic deck, approaching tables. Some of the diners cooed at the approaching child (unaware that Fiora was simply coveting their food); others had a look in their eyes that you see at airports which more or less says 'oh please God don't let that child be sitting next to me'. They need not have worried because she was off to the swings before the first bell.

Yesterday the eclipse became total as both Sarah and Kate were off sick which doesn't help right now. Things will ease from 'lunacy' to mere 'crazy' once Carmen ends tomorrow. I did a podcast on Francesca da Rimini with Robert Thicknesse and in the editing process had cause to listen again to Zandonai's music. Quite frankly it is staggering at times and his reputation as a ravishingly good writer for the orchestra will be upheld. It actually makes me quite cross to know that this school of composers are neglected at all. Like L'amore dei tre Re, I know for certain that our audiences will be stunned by this music. There is a sense that this latest of all Italian opera managed to distil a hundred or more years of operatic stylistic development into an almost perfect, potent brew. The next four weeks will see excessive evangelical zeal in FDR's cause. It MUST be seen and heard. Pass it on.
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