Sunday 7 March 2010

Long and winding road

The journey begins tomorrow. You'd suppose by now that after so many years it would be a doddle but there is always that same feeling of trepidation: so many unknowns lurk in the distance. Of course I don't wish to sound anything but positive - the mysteries of the few months to come make them worth waiting for. The prospect of six first nights (well seven including Mr Fox) have their own appeal as months of work and passionate endeavour by so many people come to fruition and judgment is passed by our audiences: its a strange relationship that one and deserves further rumination, but not now.

My eldest daughter has returned from France where she has been attending a conference on global warming. Our own efforts in this regard are growing as are the expectations on us to do so. As a venue we are not, as you might expect, the worse polluters, but some mighty claims as to how we can improve are frequently put to us by Kate, our office Green Champion. I will ensure that I walk to work in the morning.

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